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Safeguarding Business and Personal information is a must for all individuals and business.  Besides being a common sense thing to do, the law or other rules may require you to safeguard not just the records you keep but also how you communicate with others.  This is particularly true for those in the Health Care and Legal fields. 


The firm provides counsel on how to not only store records and how to communicate electronically both within and without your business but will also help arrange mobile device and cyber security policies.  Should a breach of your security occur, we will assist you in the reporting requirements that many business are obligated to perform



We represent families in petitioning the Court so as to appoint a Guardian for individuals who may be unable to make medical and/or financial decisions for themselves.  Guardianships can also be made for minor children with Special Needs prior to them turning eighteen (18) so as to continue the continuity of care as once a child is no longer a minor, the parents have no legal basis to make decisions for their child even if they believe that the child is incapable of making them on their own.


Everyone should at a minimum make plans for themselves as it pertains to having medical wishes followed should they be incapacitated.  Health Proxies and Living Wills can be made so that only the care you want will be given.


Addressing your own mortality, the firm will go over all of your assets with you and arrange for the proper documents to be made so that you may distribute your possessions and property the way you wish.




Practitioners in the Medical and Allied Health fields are in need of representation whether it be for negotiations with insurance companies, liability issues for an outside service coming into your office, improper referrals or just potential liability for the actions of someone who shares office space with you.  Representation can also be provided for audits, disciplinary hearings and in medical malpractice actions when the potential liability is greater than the insurance policy.


Being a licensed Doctor of Podiatric Medicine I am familiar with the legalities of not just starting a medical practice but also keeping a practice from running afoul of the many rules and regulations that are applied to those who practice in the medical field.


Corporate Formation


Corporate formation can vary depending on not just choosing a P.C., L.L.C., S-Corp or other entity but also with the business that the corporation plans to undertake.  For most medical and health care individuals seeking to form a corporation, additional documentation needs to be filed with the appropriate licensing board in addition to the New York Department of State.  It does not end there though as the State requires additional steps for the formation to be complete.


Solomon Law & Consulting PLLC will assist and guide you in the formation of your new company so that you may pursue your livelihood with as little aggrevation as possible.






After reviewing the relevant facts and medical records, the attorney; health care professional; or individual who believes that they were injured by the negligence of others, will be informed of the possible irregularities that were found in addition to the possible defenses that may be able to mitigate those irregularities.  You will be counseled on the possible medical experts that should be consulted and for those potential plaintiffs’ you will guided to an attorney who can represent you.



Litigation, while being expensive and at times inefficient, is still a critical problem-solving tool for clients in distress. Solomon Law & Consulting PLLC represents businesses and individuals in federal and state courts throughout all phases of a conflict, beginning with negotiation before an action is filed.   When appropriate, mediation and arbitration will be pursued so as to resolve the matter for out client.  The firm handles disputes related to breaches of privacy, property damage, and personal injury to name just a few.

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